
Posts Tagged ‘sermon’

From Grace Gems.  The necessity of the Holy Spirit is too easily forgotten.  Samuel Davies here reminds us that all the best works that men can do can not accomplish anything in the Kingdom of God unless performed in, through, and by the Holy Spirit.  This is a helpful corrective for Christians who rest their faith on their works, theology, leadership skills, programs, etc.  If anything of value is to happen in the Church it will only happen by the Holy Spirit.

“When He comes–He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment!” John 16:8

The Holy Spirit is the only effectual reformer of the world! If He is absent–

legislators may make laws against crime;

philosophers may reason against vice;

ministers may preach against sin;

conscience may remonstrate against evil;

the divine law may prescribe, and threaten hell;

the gospel may invite and allure to heaven;

but all will be in vain!

The strongest arguments, the most melting entreaties, the most alarming denunciations from God and man, enforced with the highest authority, or the most compassionate tears–all will have no effect–all will not effectually reclaim one sinner, nor gain one sincere convert to righteousness!

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Got Wisdom?

Proverbs 1:1-7

We are starting a series today on the book of Proverbs.  I have one recommendation for how to get the most out of this series. Billy Graham has read 1 chapter from proverbs every night for countless years.  I strongly recommend you do the same.  There are 31 chapters in Proverbs.  If you read a chapter a night, you’ll read through the entire book in a month (don’t beat yourself up if you miss a few nights).  I strongly recommend this practice, and have begun it myself.

To get to the book, Proverbs is, chiefly, a book about Wisdom.  The question has to be asked, “What is wisdom?”  Most people agree about what wisdom is.  There is a sense that wisdom is something more than simple intelligence, book smarts, or general knowledge.  Rather, wisdom is more akin to street smarts.  It has to do with skillfully navigating all the complexities of life.  While most people agree on what the definition of wisdom is, we disagree widely as to what the content of wisdom is.

As you can expect, the book of proverbs seeks to answer that question along with some others.  Here in the introduction, the author/compiler of proverbs lays out his program for what he believes wisdom is.  In these first seven verses, we have several facets of wisdom:

First, wisdom is ‘knowledge’.

Second, wisdom is insight based upon that knowledge (to be able to apply it to life).

Third, wisdom is proper action based on that insight.

Let’s deal with the first.

Proverbs 1:2 states that the purpose of this book, (and it’s sayings) is so that the reader can “Know wisdom and insight.” Now, someone might say, “I know what you’re talking about, you’re talking about book smarts.  And, cause you are a pastor, and you only work a half a day a week, you have plenty of time to read books and get smarter.”  Well, first, trying to become smarter might be a hopeless endeavor for me.  Second, book smarts is not what I’m talking about here.  When Proverbs talks about “knowledge,” it has something very specific in mind.  This word here in the Hebrew “to know” is used elsewhere in the Bible.  Can you guess where?  Try Genesis 4:1

[Cain and Abel] (more…)

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As we looked at the church in Corinth, we learned how Paul could love an unloveable church in an unloveable city. Namely, Paul was deeply convinced of the truths of the Gospel. That he was a sinner deserving condemnation, but God had been gracious to him. Therefore, Paul could no longer write anyone off as undeserving of God’s grace because he knew himself to be the chief of sinners. In fact, it was for this very reason that Paul was able to write this to the church in Corinth.
In Acts 19 we learn how not just how we can have hope for our city, but what we can have hope for. 

Read Acts 19:17-20 What were the people in Ephesus given to?  Was the church exempt?  Is there anything wrong with this?  What? 

Do you see any problems in your own city?  What are the major sins your city is known for?  Is the church taking part in them? 

In Acts 19:17 How is the church freed from this sin?  Is it through social reforms?  Legal sanctions? 

What we see in Ephesus is that these things can do only so much in a city, but they can never change a person’s heart.  According to the Scriptures, only the Gospel can change our hearts.

How could the gospel change the face of our community?  How could we take part in that process? 

Read 1 Corinthians 9:16 Why does Paul preach the gospel? Is it a duty to him? Do you feel compelled to preach?
Do you think if we were “compelled to preach” like Paul, it could change the heart of this city?

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