
Posts Tagged ‘pentecost’

Happy Pentecost!

Today we celebrate one of the most important events in the entire Christian calendar.  The feast of Pentecost is just as important as Christmas and Easter.  Every year around Christmas, you see articles ‘dis-proving’ the virgin birth.  Every Easter, someone writes about how the crucifixion was cosmic child abuse and the resurrection is a myth.  Do you know what horrendous thing the unbelievers think about Pentecost?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!  Do you know why?  Because they don’t care.  In fact, if you are visiting today, you only really know what’s going on if you grew up in church.

If Pentecost is as important to the Christian faith as we say, why does our culture not think to even give Pentecost enough credit to try and discredit it?  Because it’s weird, and they don’t understand it.  We can understand the birth of a savior.  We can understand the death of a martyr.  We can understand resurrection as a principle.  For some reason, we cannot understand what it is we celebrate on Pentecost.

Why can’t our culture understand what happens on Pentecost?  For the simple reason that when we think of the term “The Holy Spirit” we tend to think of it in a way that is absolutely alien to that of the world of the First Century Church. (more…)

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